Tenant Communication and Support

Tenant Relationship Management Company NYC
Tenant Communication and Support
  1. Tenants reach out to our back office team directly for any maintenance issue & requests
  2. We immediately respond to tenants & draw a quick resolution to resolve their issues.
  3. We generally create Whatsapp group with tenants so that our operations team do not skip any request/issue of tenants & the same is answered appropriately on time. This is our best method for communication as due to our robust team size & team support backup process tenants issues are always addressed & answered for properly.
    For Tenants not using Whatsapp they can call us, text us, e-mail us & we quickly respond to them as all our systems are linked through AppFolio Property Management Software to ensure no issue gets unanswered. Tenants/landlords can also generate Maintenance requests where they simply generate a service request from their account portal at any time & we will respond to such request as quickly as possible.
Tenant Relationship Management Company Bronx, Queens, New York

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